Stop the Spread Sticker
It is clear, if we want to get on top of Corona Virus we need to STOP THE SPREAD. This means stopping it from being transmitted from one person to another like any other germs. This is a strategy for the long term - until a vaccine has been developed and tested and can be manufactured.
There are a number of ways to stop the spread of the Corona Virus such as social distancing and sneezing or coughing into your elbow or wearing a face mask. But one of the easiest things we can all do is simply wash our hands regularly and thoroughly for at least 20 seconds each time.
We hope these stickers will act as a visual reminder for people to do the right thing and help Stop the Spread.
6 stickers per pack.
Meet the Designer

Lulu's Story
Lulu grew up with My Name Label labels on all her lunch boxes, drink bottles, school clothing, sports gear and pretty much an...
Name Label Design Tips & Advice

Name Only Name Label Design
Unless you have a very long name put the name on a single line. We never recommend putting a name on 2 lines unless absolutely necessary.

Name and Picture on the Label
Pictures help little kids recognise their things.

Label with Name & Phone Number
Sometimes a phone number is useful

Long Names on a Label
Longer names look best placed on 2 lines.

Shoe Labels
Most names will be easier to read on 2 lines.

Party Bag Label
Party bag labels can also be used with just a name on other items too.

Personalised Bag Tags
Names look best with the name on 2 lines.