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The Brighton Theatre Company

23rd January 2018 | Customer Stories

My Name Label Takes Centre Stage

When The Brighton Theatre Company in Melbourne recently re-organised their costume department, Deborah Fabbro (who has been involved with the theatre for 25 years) made sure it was done properly.

“We had the wardrobe area custom-designed for us and specially built so we’ve now got a proper place for everything because often things used to be just shoved in plastic tubs.

Because we loan items to other (theatre) companies we thought it was a good idea that everything be labeled. We have some interesting pieces, so we didn’t want to lose them along the way”.

Enter - My Name Label!

After finding My Name Label via a simple Google search, Deborah ordered our shoe labels for all of the shoes - and there hasn’t been a lost sole since. Simple solution!

“They look great!” she said. “We are always buying different stuff for different shows so we will continue to use the labels and once we’ve run out of our current stock, we’ll certainly be re-ordering. They work well and we’re really happy with the service.”