Fundraising Reaches Out To Nepal
Read More11th September 2018
Name Labels Credited for Increasing Sales!
24th April 2018
Tester Stickers That Pass The Test! Label Your Beauty Products.
22nd April 2018
Hats Off To Aussie Success
Bernice’s passion for wide-brimmed hats lead her on a journey 6 years ago when she decided to learn how to make them and started her own hat company - Jaxonbilt Hats. Now her sister Victoria makes hats in Australia too. I chatted to Victoria Beatty recently to find out about Jaxonbilt Hat Company and how she came to use My Name Label labels in Australia.
22nd March 2018
Fundraising Reaches Out To Nepal
22nd March 2018
Funding a Sense of Community
23rd January 2018